Monday, March 6, 2006

wanwan (bowwow)

Last year we went to the Okome Gallery in Umeda. It's more of a store that promotes rice. Like the "got milk" campaign but for rice and in store form. There are displays about rice, onigiri (rice balls) for sale, and free recipes using rice. I picked up a recipe for lemon muffins. They taste great but are healthier since you use rice. I translated the recipe for my mom and everyone seems to think they are tasty. The exception was Jun who asked me if they had to have the rice in them. Ahh!

The store also sells chopsticks and rice bowls. I really couldn't pass up a set of rice bowls featuring their character, Gohanchawan. Chawan is Japanese for rice bowl, gohan means rice, and wanwan is what some small children call dogs, like doggie. You can't really tell in my picture but he has ears. My favorite part is filling it up with rice to form the head.

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